Precision hydraulic tube, seamless, 25x1,5mm, zinc plated / chromated

Item number:

HR 25X1,5 V

Item description
E235 + N (ST 37.4 normally annealed - NBK), all tubes undergo eddy current or ultrasound testing, tolerances in accordance with DIN 2391, quality grade C, operating pressure in accordance with DIN 2413

Manufacturer lengths:
6 m ±1 m

Temperature range:
-40 to +400 °C (from +120°C notice pressure reductions)

When ordering, please state shipping length! Packaging service: max 2 m, overnight express: max. 3 m, freight: max 6m
Pipe di­am­e­ter (outer) [mm] 25
Wall thick­ness [mm] 1,5
Ver­sion zinc plated / chro­mated
Cal­cu­lated pres­sure* [bar] -1 to 154
Further information on HR25X1,5V
Weight 900 g / m
Packing unit 6 m
Customs duty number 73043120
*calculated in accordance with DIN 2413 validity range III for dynamic loading P = 20 x K x s x c/(S x (da + s x c)) (bar). Material parameter K = 226 N/mm² (torsional endurance). Safety factor S = 1.5 for static and dynamic loading. Factor c to take into account the wall thickness deviation for static and dynamic loading = 0,8 for tubes with outside diameters of 4 and 5; 0,85 for tubes with outside diameters of 6 and 8; and 0,9 for larger tube outside diameters.
Notes: The stated calculated pressures do not take into account any corrosion surcharge. Tubes with a diameter ratio (OD/ID max) of >= 1.35 have also been calculated for a predominantly static load in accordance with DIN 2413 validity range III, but with K = 235 N/mm². **Oiled instead of phosphatised

All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.
Immediately available